Receiving Gifts – a Reflection Tutorial

Posted on May 20, 2023 by Huw Campbell

Haskell’s reflection library is a powerful tool to have in one’s belt, allowing the creation of ad hoc type classes informed at runtime; and as neat way of providing runtime configuration without the need for a monad stack.

Internally though, it can be quite challenging to understand, as it can’t be represented in Haskell 98, and relies on knowledge of how GHC compiles Haskell type classes.


A number of Haskell libraries use type classes as part of their API. Aeson for example has FromJSON, which describes how to parse json values into a particular type; and the avro library extensively uses FromAvro.

Normally, this offers quite good ergonomics, but it can start to be problematic when parsing richer types like an Icicle Value (a value in our language). The issue is that the json or avro schemas for a Value may depend on its type in the Icicle type system, so we can’t infer all we need to know to parse a Value from its type alone.

As a separate motivation, we can solve “the configuration problem”, to quote Joachim Breitner, this is

finding a convenient way to work with values that are initialized once and used in many places all over the code.

We’ll start with the Given class, which is the little brother of Reified. It’s not nearly as safe, but it’s a good starting point for pedagogy.


For the Given API, there are only two items exposed. There is the Given type class:

class Given a where
  given :: a

and the API is complete with the function

give :: forall a r. a -> (Given a => r) -> r

The Given type class can obviously just give a value of type a given an instance for the type, but here’s the thing: there are no instances for Given.

Even though there are no instances for Given, the give function “magics” one up for us, which is then available for the inner continuation. This allows us to do really cool things!

Firstly, we can solve our issue from above. If we can give a function with the type of fromAvro for our value type, and now use any API which requires a FromAvro instance.

  Given (Avro.Value -> Either String Icicle.Value) =>
    Avro.FromAvro Icicle.Value
    fromAvro = given

And use functions which require a FromAvro instance.

For the configuration problem: using a given, we can, for example, read environment and command line parameters, then call give with our parsed configuration. All that is required is we update type signatures on our internal functions with a Given Configuration constraint.

How Does it Work?

Haskell as defined can’t actually do any of this. All class instances must be specified at compile time and be coherent. So how does it actually work? To understand, we’ll need to know how newtypes and type classes are represented once we reach Haskell’s core language.

In GHC, there are two forms of data declarations, data and newtype. Data declarations compile to something like structures, with pointers to haskell thunks; while newtypes don’t have any runtime overhead at all, they just compile to the wrapped data type.

GHC, when faced with a type class constraint, will rewrite the function to take a dictionary function argument. These dictionary arguments look a lot like data declarations, so a function like this:

max :: Ord a => [a] -> a
max as = head (sort as)

Will turn the one lambda into 3, one for the type variable a, one for the Ord dictionary for a and one for the actual arguments as. Here it is will a little bit of renaming:

max :: forall c. Ord c => [c] -> c
max = \(@ a_type) ($dOrd_A :: Ord a_type) (as :: [a_type]) ->
      head @ a_type (sort @ a_type $dOrd_A as)

Squinting, one should be able to see that the first lambda is the type for a; the next, named $dOrd_A is the dictionary for Ord a; and finally, we have the actual list of values. The other thing to note is that the arguments get passed along. So head receives 2 values, the type and the sorted list; while sort takes 3, including the type, dictionary, and original values.

An interesting thing happens though with a type class like Given. Here, there is only a single term give in the typeclass. This means that it gets treated much more like a newtype than a data constructor, and therefore, instead of being wrapped behind a structure and thunk, it gets passed directly.

As an example, here’s a simple function which adds 3 to a given integer:

adder :: Given Int => Int
adder = given + 3

Looking at the core, we can see something interesting:

adder :: Given Int => Int
adder = \($dGiven :: Given Int) ->
    @ Int
    ($dGiven `cast` (Givens.N:Given[0] <Int>_N :: Given Int ~R# Int))
    (GHC.Types.I# 3#)

the addition function is supplied 4 arguments, the type @ Int, as well as the dictionary for Num Int. The addition function is then applied to two more arguments: - the passed dictionary (after a cast) - and 3.

That meaning, there’s no data constructor or extra boxing wrapping the Given value – and it looks more like a newtype to the compiler.

This means that a function like

adder :: Given Int => Int

once it hits core, looks exactly like a function

add :: Int -> Int

This is the critical optimisation which allows one to implement the give function. A newtype wrapper called Gift is used to hold on to the type class constraint, so its position in the generated Core can’t float to the outside of the give function.

newtype Gift a r = Gift (Given a => r)

This lets us write the give function, by acknowledging that this newtype has the same shape as the function a -> r and using an unsafeCoerce to get GHC to accept this:

give :: forall a r. a -> (Given a => r) -> r
give a k = unsafeCoerce (Gift k :: Gift a r) a

Now of course, unsafeCoerce is super dangerous and up to the mercy of the compiler, and indeed, whether this function is inlined has caused issues in the past. But the other big issue, which makes Given not ideal for most situations, is that there’s no reasonable way to say what will happen if two give calls are nested for the same type.


The solution to this issue, is that instead of just one Given constraint, we use an infinite number of existentially quantified Reified s constraints. Where for each call to reify, we just make up a new type.

The API looks like this:

class Reifies s a | s -> a where
  reflect :: proxy s -> a

  :: forall a r. a
  -> (forall s. Reifies s a => Proxy s -> r)
  -> r

Now this does look a bit funnier. The key is that within the function body passed to reify, the s type is existentially quantified, and the s types of two or more invocations can’t unify. If that sounds familiar, it might be because the same trick is used to isolate mutable state within the ST monad.

To allow one to actually call reflect with the phantom type – a Proxy s value is provided.

The implementation of reify is unsurprisingly very close to that of give, except the newtype wrapper is called Magic, and we have to also pass the Proxy arguments.

Here it is in full:

newtype Magic a r = Magic (forall s. Reifies s a => Proxy s -> r)

-- | Reify a value at the type level, to be recovered with 'reflect'.
  :: forall a r. a
  -> (forall s. Reifies s a => Proxy s -> r)
  -> r
reify a k =
  unsafeCoerce (Magic k :: Magic a r) (const a) Proxy

The key is that the typeclass Reifies also has only one member, so acts just like its single function in core. The supplied value a is used as const a to ignore the extra Proxy argument passed.


That’s kind of the core of the current library, with the technique of exploiting the semantically identical Core representations from Ed Kmett.

Originally the implementation from Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan was less efficient, but more critically couldn’t easily reflect functions, as the reified values had to be an instance of Storable. It’s an interesting paper to read, but isn’t required for understanding and using the library today.