Icicle is a high-level streaming query language, which gives new capabilities to its users, allowing them to combine and fuse hundreds of rich, individual, queries into a combined plan for safe and efficient execution.
At the heart of the language is our Core intermediate language, which we’ve spoken about optimising in an earlier post. This is a pure, simply-typed lambda calculus based DSL with restrictions on arbitrary recursion and closure creation.
To ensure speed, we compile all queries to C and convert almost all of our data types into simple, unboxed C types. For example, the Either Int Bool
type will compile into three C variables on the stack, indicating the tag, and variables for the left and right values.
Maps and arrays in the language, however, compile using the struct of arrays approach when transitioning to C; compiling down to potentially many C arrays of simple types. However, as Icicle Core is a pure language, during lowering the compiler inserts copy operations to arrays before performing any mutations upon them.
This is the story of how we eliminate the overwhelming majority of these copy operations from idiomatic Icicle code by performing destructive updates during operations such as inserting into a map or sorting an array, while maintaining query semantics and reducing run-times by up to 50%.
It’s very common in Icicle queries to use the built in group
context, which acts somewhat like an SQL group by. For example, the following query looks at a stream of injuries, then computes a map of locations to the sum of the injuries’ severities.
from injury in
group location in sum severity
in our core language, this will become something like this (omitting error handling):
STREAM_FOLD accum : Map String Double
Map []
severity =
get_severity# input
location =
get_location# input
current -> add# current severity)
When compiled to our lower level DSLs, and finally on to C, this query will end up being backed by two arrays. As new events come in and are updated, it would be best to keep memory usage linear with number of keys. Due to the implicit copy operation from the pure Core DSL though, a naïve approach might end up using memory proportional to the product of the number of keys times and number of injuries.
The R programming language is popular amongst statisticians and data scientists, and has a number of distinctive properties. Most operations in R are pure and referentially transparent, which is critical for its ease of use and safety. It’s also a language with pervasive vectorisation. All the core data structures of R are vectors. With atomic vectors neatly wrapping C arrays.
People still want their R code to be relatively performant however, and adding naïve copying to every vector update would be prohibitively slow.
Look at this R program:
> x <- 1:10
> y <- x
> x[5] <- 10
> x
1] 1 2 3 4 10 6 7 8 9 10
[> y
1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [
This program maintains R’s referential semantics, but under the covers there are some interesting things going on. One might first assume that when y
is bound to x
, a copy of the vector is made, but that is not what R is going to do here.
In R, names are just ways to reference values, and in this case, there will be two names pointing to the atomic vector 1:10
; and when x
is going to be mutated, a copy of the backed array will be made at that point in time.
This program however will do something very different:
> x <- 1:10
> x[5] <- 10
> x
1] 1 2 3 4 10 6 7 8 9 10 [
In this program, because there’s only one name pointing to the vector in question, the value will be updated in place. R can perform this optimisation because it’s a reference counted language and when the []<-
function is called, it can look at the number of references which exist – then, if there’s only one (itself), it knows it can modify in place without the optimisation breaking the program’s semantics (see Advanced R).
Other languages which employ this technique include the Lean proof assistant and functional programming language and Koka, which reuses constructors (like list’s cons) too.
In Icicle, we avoid using reference counting and instead use a simple bump allocator per entity. We do this because:
That said, we should still aim to reduce new array allocations though for speed and memory efficiency, but here we do it entirely at compile time.
The constraints for this optimization are:
To eliminate a copy operation, we need to identify two key factors:
If there are no subsequent usages of any reference that might point to the array about to be copied, we can eliminate the copy operation and simply alias the binding instead.
But this presents a challenge: all the references we need to consider arise from before the copy operation; while all the usages come from after it. So at any point in the query, we need to have performed both forward and backward passes over the AST to know what to do.
Finally, as Icicle’s semantics are essentially a strict left fold, which is compiled to a for loop, our internal DSL must contain looping structures (for and while). One can imagine that even the definition of future and past accesses could get a little muddy, as each loop could reference data from previous iterations.
We perform copy elision within a low level internal DSL called avalanche. This is a small imperative language which contains basic if and foreach statements; and can create, read from, and update mutable variables. It does not perform IO.
As a Haskell type, the language looks a bit like this:
data Statement
-- | A branch
= If Exp Statement Statement
-- | Loop while an accumulator reads true.
| While Name Statement
-- | Loop over facts
| ForeachFacts Statement
-- | Execute several statements in a block.
| Block [Statement]
-- | Local binding.
| Let Name Exp Statement
-- | Initialise an accumulator
| InitAccumulator !Name !Exp Statement
-- | Read from an accumulator into a local binding
| Read Name Name Statement
-- | Update an accumulator
| Write Name Exp
Where Exp
is a simple expression type containing variables (Var
), primitives, and fully applied applications.
It’s important to note that Let
, InitAccumulator
and Read
introduce scope… they contain the Statement
that can use the binding introduced. To make life easier, we disallow shadowing in this DSL – shadowed bindings in the source language will be freshened.
Furthermore, we should note that Avalanche programs can get pretty large, with map operations for example often including code for a binary search. Typical Avalanche programs also contain the code for up to a hundred user queries.
We want to build a directed graph of all references, so that we can determine if a reference might be used again later in the program.
As this is Haskell, we use a pure, persistent data structure (here, backed by a pair of Data.Map Name (Set Name)
) which indicate forwards and backwards edges.
We maintain a few invariants:
must be non-empty, if a Set
becomes empty due to a deletion, we also remove the key.a -> b -> c
will become a -> c
if b
is removed.
an edge (this is our main insert
operation), that edge becomes the only edge from the starting key. i.e., overwrite a c (overwrite a b empty) == overwrite a c empty
.a -> b -> a
and remove b
, the stitching to a -> a
will be simplified to nothing, and the node will be removed.And its API looks a bit like this:
module Graph where
data Graph
-- | Insert an edge into a graph and remove existing ones
-- from this node.
overwrite :: Name -> Name -> Graph -> Graph
-- | Delete a node and stitch up transiently connected nodes
deleteAndStitch :: Name -> Graph -> Graph
-- | Take the union of the maps
merge :: Graph -> Graph -> Graph
Because this structure shares well, it’s ok to build and retain this type as we traverse through our program’s AST. Using the State
monad in this initial example:
go :: Statement -> State Graph Statement
go statement case statement of
-- Let bindings are a lot like reads and
-- initialisations if the expression is
-- a reference, then add to the graph.
Let nm x inner
| Just ref <- arrayReference x ->
Let nm x <$>
scopedGo nm ref inner
| otherwise ->
Let nm x <$>
scopedGo' nm inner
-- If the write is a reference, then we need
-- to know that this memory location has been
-- updated.
Write n x
| Just ref <- arrayReference x -> do
Graph.overwrite n ref
pure $ Write n x
| otherwise ->
pure $ Write n x
-- Traverse the block items in order.
Block inner ->
Block <$> traverse go inner
-- Run both sides and merge
If condition truth falsity -> do
<- get
aliased let ~(truth', tA) = runState (go truth) aliased
let ~(falsity', fA) = runState (go falsity) aliased
modify . Graph.merge fA
Graph.merge tA
return $
If condition truth' falsity'
-- Reach a fixpoint, running until the
-- graph doesn't change anymore.
ForeachFacts inner -> do
ForeachFacts <$>
fixGo inner
-- This introduces the alias for name to ref, then when it goes
-- out of scope, deletes this name and stitches up transient refs
-- as direct ones.
= do
scopedGo nm ref ss
modify (Graph.overwrite nm ref)<- go ss
modify (Graph.deleteAndStitch nm)pure sS
-- Delete this name after it goes out of scope
-- (things might reference it).
scopedGo' nm ss <- go ss
modify (Graph.deleteAndStitch nm)pure sS
-- Loops are interesting.
-- It's possible to write queries where after a pass is complete
-- accumulators depend on other accumulators initialised before
-- the loop began; so we need to reach a fixpoint on both the
-- initial alias map and the returned alias map.
-- If the maps don't match, rerun with the merged alias map on
-- the original statements.
= do
fixGo ss <- get
before <- go ss
sS <- get
after let merged = Graph.merge before after
if before == merged then
pure sS
else do
set merged
fixGo ss
-- Whether this is a `Var` or a function which mutably
-- updates an array and returns it.
arrayReference :: Exp -> Maybe Name
= \case
arrayReference Var nm ->
Just nm
Exp.App (Exp.Prim Prim.SortInPlace) argument ->
arrayReference argument...
with Read
and InitAccumulator
omitted as they look very much like Let
; and While
as it looks like ForeachFacts
That’s our forwards pass done, so at any point we know what the graph of references looks like; but we’re only half way there, as we don’t know what bindings are used later in the program.
For this we need to propagate information backwards, which we can do thanks to laziness and the reverse state monad. One package providing a nice combination of both a forwards and reverse state Monads is the tardis
package, which supplies the Tardis
In the above code listing, we swap to the Tardis
monad and replace get
with getPast
and modify
with modifyForwards
. Also, every time we see a Name
in either a Var
in Exp
or as the named item in, for example, a Read
, we send backwards the usages (free variables)
go :: Statement -> Tardis (Set Name) Graph Statement
go statement case statement of
Let nm x ss
| Just ref <- arrayReference x ->
. Set.union (Exp.freeVars x))
modifyBackwards (Set.delete nm Let nm x <$>
scopedGo nm ref ss
| otherwise ->
. Set.union (Exp.freeVars x))
modifyBackwards (Set.delete nm Let nm x <$>
scopedGo' nm ss
Because we also remove bindings created by Let
and friends as we traverse backwards, effectively we’re maintaining the Set
of free variables observed in this backwards pass.
Our elaborator to Avalanche
will emit a copy operation before performing any mutating action (for example: heap sort, or update), but fortunately it emits these in a very predictable fashion – directly as the expression being written to an accumulator. As such, we don’t need to be too careful threading the Tardis
states through the Exp
syntax tree in addition to the Statement
syntax tree and we can cheat a little and add a rewrite directly in the definition of go
go statements case statements of
-- Here's the key judgement and rewrite.
-- This write copies an array into an accumulator.
Write n x
| Exp.App (Exp.Prim Prim.ArrayCopy) (Exp.Var ref) <- x -> do
modifyBackwards (Set.insert ref)<- getPast
aliased <- getFuture
-- It's important to add this ref when we're calculating
-- loop fixpoints.
Graph.overwrite n ref
pure $
-- Here's the important calculation.
-- Fortunately this is lazy, allowing us to "fix"
-- the Tardis.
if hasNoFurtherReferences n ref aliased used then do
Write n (Exp.Var ref)
else do
Write n x -- keep the original
where the function hasNoFurtherReferences
looks at the graph and does a search from all used variables to all references which might be shared with them, as well as a similar search from the ref. If these transitive dependency sets are disjoint, it means there’s no possible way that the array could be looked at after this write, making it safe to mutate it in place.
If there was an intersection, that would indicated that a value might be used which points to the same memory location as ref
, and we have to keep the copy operation to maintain our program’s semantics.
One of the things which is challenging is the definition of fixGo
. Because we have to deal with nested loops quite a lot, it’s imperative that most loops reach their fixpoint on their first iteration, lest we suffer from exponential slowdowns as we delve deeper repeating nested loops.
This is one the key reason for using our Stitching Graph – it’s very good at returning to its initial state when keys are removed as they go out of scope.
Consider this program, written in an pseudo-syntax for avalanche.
arr =
[]in {
foreach_fact {
a =
arr {- read `arr` to a local binding -}
in {
b =
array_copy a
len =
array_length b
in {
arr := {- write `len` to index `len` -}
array_insert b len len
} }
This program should produce an array that looks like this:
with a length equal to the number of facts seen, but will the copy operation be removed, and, will the fixpoint for foreach_fact be determined in a single pass? Let’s have a look:
is a pure expression, so doesn’t introduce anything into the reference graph.foreach_facts
the first time, the graph is empty.read a = arr
the accumulator arr
into a
, the graph gains a reference
a -> arr
, we reach a copy operation.
are used again (writing to it doesn’t count as usage), so this copy will be omitted.b -> a
b -> a -> arr
doesn’t introduce any references into the graph.arr
introduces a new edge to the graph, so we have
arr -> b -> a -> arr
arr -> a -> arr
, we’ll further drop a
from the graph
arr -> arr
, but, these are simplified,read
is the empty graphforeach_facts
, we’ve reached our fixpoint in a single traversal of the AST, and the copy has been removed.So the answer to both of our questions is in the affirmative.
It’s worth thinking about generalising this algorithm, and considering how it relates to others previously described.
In a real sense, we’ve written an abstract interpreter for our programs, tracking possible pointer references. While I am not 100% across the literature on reference counting optimisations, this sort of information strikes me as potentially very useful for optimising functional languages which use it.
For example, if we examine our reference graph and see that the potential references will always be zero or no usages will be used in the future, we won’t even need to check the reference count at all and can either drop or recycle a memory location immediately.
We could further extend our Graph algorithm to include the possible range of counts between references – which would mostly entail changes to the merging and stitching algorithms. With this information, if we observed an object used inside a scoped operation which always had the exact same positive number of edges to it at entry and exit, it would seem we could again eliminate all reference counting operations on it – they must cancel out.
In our case, we have a whole-program compiler and optimiser, so we can get a very good view of the reference graph; if we however were working with smaller functions, we would need to keep track of what we don’t know. Arguments passed to functions for example, would have any number of possible edges from the outside of the function, meaning we can’t omit operations as easily. But as we inlined functions, new opportunities might arise.
For example, consider the function map h . filter g . map f
: if this were to be aggressively inlined, then we would know, that the cons
cells output from map f
part would have no external references to them; this means that filter g
could drop cons
cells without even looking at their reference count when the predicate fails. Furthermore, the function map h
could immediately reuse the memory locations for every cons cell still around, replacing the values after applying h
to them.
How much of an improvement if any this might offer over Counting Immutable Beans is an open question.
The discovery of this algorithm was challenging, it took time and iteration – and even though I could intuitively see copy operations which could be removed, writing an even close to O(n)
algorithm was proving to be trifficult.
It was only when I remembered Phil Freeman’s Tardis Monad water problem solution that I managed to solidify my ideas and really nail down the algorithm.
Laziness, purity, and monadic composition were critical in allowing me to discover this algorithm.
That said, I think one could make this work in a strict language, by adopting a relatively straight forward, explicit two pass approach, where in the forwards pass, instead of returning a Statement
value, we return a function, Usage -> (Statement, Usage)
; and pass the usage set backwards while building the graph in our reverse pass.